How parents will receive information

Educating young people is shared responsibility between the home, school and the individual student.

For this reason, clear channels of communication are vital. At St Andrew’s Cathedral School, there are a number of ways in which parents are kept informed about their child’s progress and what is happening within the school. These include the School Diary, the Parent Portal, end of Semester Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews.

We also encourage parents and teachers to make direct contact with one another through phone calls, emails, and meetings as required.

Fortnightly newsletter

St Andrew’s Cathedral School communicates with parents through regular e-Newsletters. It is important that parents provide a current email address for this communication. Parents will receive three newsletters:

  • Head of School – once a fortnight
  • Head of School Division (Junior School, Gawura – Message Stick, Middle School or Senior College) – alternate fortnight
  • P&F – twice a term

Specific emails to parents of Year groups and other important announcements are also sent when appropriate.

To view past newsletters, click here:

Parent Portal

The Parent Portal is a vital resource for parents/ carers to keep informed of their child’s progress. It provides access to the following information regarding your child:

  • view and update address and contact information
  • view contact lists
  • email tutor / teachers and Year Coordinator directly
  • view year-to-date student discipline records – rewards, detentions and awards
  • download academic reports
  • record of absences
  • view student timetable and teacher list (Years 7-12 only)
  • download assessments, tasks and notices given during each term (Years 7-12 only)

The Parent Portal is accessed through Quick Links on the St Andrew’s Cathedral School website home page.

New families: If you are new to the School, you will receive your login details approximately two weeks before school commences. Each parent with a separate email address will be sent their unique username and password to enable you to log-in.

It is vital that the school is kept up-to-date with your current email address.

Schoology – Years 3-12

This online lesson management system, accessible through the various School portals, provides students and parents with current classwork, assignment details and links pertaining to teaching and learning at St Andrew’s Cathedral School.

Weekly Parent Digest – Years 7-12

Secondary School parents and students will receive an emailed weekly bulletin every Friday which summarises awards, events, academic progress and discipline.

Student Progress Reports

Years K-6: Each semester, parents will receive a School Report and a Parent-Teacher interview will be made available to discuss your child’s progress.

Years 7-12: St Andrew’s Cathedral School has three formal methods of reporting on student progress. They are Interim reports (Secondary School only), School reports and Parent/ teacher/ student interviews. As well as this, there are informal opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress through conversations with individual class teachers. The Director of Learning is also a resource to students and parents. A programme of academic tracking allows for the monitoring of progress in effort and achievement. For more information, go to the curriculum section of this website.